so I have to buy my new lens (YAY!) and Office for mac... but I can't until I get my check... and I have this strange feeling that I won't get it until Wednesday instead of tomorrow like I am supposed too... I usually wouldn't care, but seeing that I am leaving the country in ten days, and still need to order things... that's a little frightening... I guess I will just cough up the extra money for shipping... I wonder if I can get a job while I am there? cause it looks like I might need one.
I've only received one of my textbooks, so I am a little worried about that too... and my friend has yet to send me my duvet cover... I'm sure everything will work out ok, but now I am freaking out. oh, by the way, packing SUCKS.
*deep breath*
ok, I am done whining now.
on to happy things:
Today I started my last week of work. That's good.
I leave for Italy in ten days. That's good.
I entered four drawings in the fair. That's good.
I'm alive. That's good.
this is the end.
Fat Quarter Shop
Oh how I love Fat Quarter Shop (just don't tell my co-workers):

one of my favorite desginers: Kaffe Fasset
this is the end.
one of my favorite desginers: Kaffe Fasset
this is the end.
no title for this post.
I really want a pair of puma sneakers... I need good walking shoes, and I don't want to mess up my running shoes by scoffing them on the cobblestone streets. although I guess it doesn't matter, cause I don't ever run... I should start this week.
I am going to the beach tonight! WOOT!
Burning more photo cds.
need to find a cheap editing program, since I am broke.
be expecting pictures this weekend.
so I taught seventh grade Latin today.
epic fail, but something I kind of enjoyed.
teaching has the potential to be fun!
maybe I should look into becoming an Art/Art History teacher?
oh... and why didn't anyone tell me about Ingrid Michealson's new cd that just came out!?
this is the end.
I am going to the beach tonight! WOOT!
Burning more photo cds.
need to find a cheap editing program, since I am broke.
be expecting pictures this weekend.
so I taught seventh grade Latin today.
epic fail, but something I kind of enjoyed.
teaching has the potential to be fun!
maybe I should look into becoming an Art/Art History teacher?
oh... and why didn't anyone tell me about Ingrid Michealson's new cd that just came out!?
this is the end.
stop, hey... what's tha-... *zombie attack*
I am freakin tired today.
oh how I love Mrs. Yuko!
She works here at the quilt shop, and she makes the best food ever.
today, she is making the shop egg rolls, sushi, and stuff like that... her specialty!
ahhh, she is so good to us!
oh, I want this:

Isn't it beautiful?!
It's a Canon EF 50mm f/1.8.
pretty much a necessity. I will buy it at the end of the month. my Italia pictures are going to be sick!!
I wish we would get fabric that I like at the store. I just looked at the line all my co-workers were "ooh-ing" and "aahh-ing" at... and uhm... that is not my type of fabric! But I do love Moda's new lines like, Panache by designer Sanae, and Tula Pink's new line, Hushabye. I really should have taken some quilting classes here...
oh... I downloaded a lot of music at Daytrotter last night... what an amazing website, check it out! lots of free mP3 of amazing artists.
get this. my wireless is horrible. so I had to burn a cd for the promos I shot... good thing Cameron is a great friend of mine, so he didn't mind too much. I have been commissioned to shoot historic Fayetteville, before I leave, and I also might have another shoot with Curtis Ray. I would love that lens before those shoots, but that is wishful thinking...
this is the end.
oh how I love Mrs. Yuko!
She works here at the quilt shop, and she makes the best food ever.
today, she is making the shop egg rolls, sushi, and stuff like that... her specialty!
ahhh, she is so good to us!
oh, I want this:
Isn't it beautiful?!
It's a Canon EF 50mm f/1.8.
pretty much a necessity. I will buy it at the end of the month. my Italia pictures are going to be sick!!
I wish we would get fabric that I like at the store. I just looked at the line all my co-workers were "ooh-ing" and "aahh-ing" at... and uhm... that is not my type of fabric! But I do love Moda's new lines like, Panache by designer Sanae, and Tula Pink's new line, Hushabye. I really should have taken some quilting classes here...
oh... I downloaded a lot of music at Daytrotter last night... what an amazing website, check it out! lots of free mP3 of amazing artists.
get this. my wireless is horrible. so I had to burn a cd for the promos I shot... good thing Cameron is a great friend of mine, so he didn't mind too much. I have been commissioned to shoot historic Fayetteville, before I leave, and I also might have another shoot with Curtis Ray. I would love that lens before those shoots, but that is wishful thinking...
this is the end.
Ω is that an unlucky horseshoe?
I need to learn how to knit... or crochet... or sew...
people make the most adorable things, and I know that I could make them too, if I learned how to. I just don't have the time... makes me sad... I will take some stuff with me and learn in Italy.
I just bought my textbooks. needless to say, I am broke.
and yeah... the end of the month better hurry up.
I am going to start packing tonight, all my bedding, and fluffy sweaters and such.
I have to try to upload the pictures again. They will be on soon...
ugh, I am just in a weird mood today.
but I did finish the Liberty essay, got my macbook... I mean I am all ready to go! I just need a break from work, and Fayetteville, or else I will never come back. so that is why I am going to the beach Wednesday night. to get away, and think before I leave.
and I cannot wait til Septemeber 4th, cause it's my last day of work! HOORAY!!! I have so much I want to share, but I just cannot put it into words right now. probably cause I was up way to late talking on skype...
this is the end.
I need to learn how to knit... or crochet... or sew...
people make the most adorable things, and I know that I could make them too, if I learned how to. I just don't have the time... makes me sad... I will take some stuff with me and learn in Italy.
I just bought my textbooks. needless to say, I am broke.
and yeah... the end of the month better hurry up.
I am going to start packing tonight, all my bedding, and fluffy sweaters and such.
I have to try to upload the pictures again. They will be on soon...
ugh, I am just in a weird mood today.
but I did finish the Liberty essay, got my macbook... I mean I am all ready to go! I just need a break from work, and Fayetteville, or else I will never come back. so that is why I am going to the beach Wednesday night. to get away, and think before I leave.
and I cannot wait til Septemeber 4th, cause it's my last day of work! HOORAY!!! I have so much I want to share, but I just cannot put it into words right now. probably cause I was up way to late talking on skype...
this is the end.
I'm a working girl.
I used to love Saturdays.
sleep in.
chill at the house.
hang with friends.
my Saturday has just been shattered.
or I should say Saturdays (yes, plural).
I now work 10-6.
eight hours.
only because I need the money. my last day is September 4th.
I watched Across the Universe last night. I love that movie so much! The cinematography is pure brill, the actors are amazing, and the music. well duh. it is The Beatles.
it's one of the few movies that makes me feel. and maybe it's because of the music. but I really feel like a character from afar in the movie, like those are my friends, and I know their pain and sorrow, but can also share in their love and happiness. that probably doesn't make much sense, but I guess I just can't really explain it.
I have nineteen days until I leave. I should start packing up a lot of my things. my camera bag came in yesterday and it is HUGE. ridiculously huge. but awesome all the same. my 1TB hard drive comes either today or Monday. and my macbook will probably be in sometime next week. I can't wait to play with it.
I also need to find a place where they swing dance, cause my kitchen just doesn't cut it. I wonder if they swing dance in Italia.
I had an amazing dream last night.
sad, but amazing.
full of saturated colors.
the sad part, I woke up.
this is the end.
sleep in.
chill at the house.
hang with friends.
my Saturday has just been shattered.
or I should say Saturdays (yes, plural).
I now work 10-6.
eight hours.
only because I need the money. my last day is September 4th.
I watched Across the Universe last night. I love that movie so much! The cinematography is pure brill, the actors are amazing, and the music. well duh. it is The Beatles.
it's one of the few movies that makes me feel. and maybe it's because of the music. but I really feel like a character from afar in the movie, like those are my friends, and I know their pain and sorrow, but can also share in their love and happiness. that probably doesn't make much sense, but I guess I just can't really explain it.
I have nineteen days until I leave. I should start packing up a lot of my things. my camera bag came in yesterday and it is HUGE. ridiculously huge. but awesome all the same. my 1TB hard drive comes either today or Monday. and my macbook will probably be in sometime next week. I can't wait to play with it.
I also need to find a place where they swing dance, cause my kitchen just doesn't cut it. I wonder if they swing dance in Italia.
I had an amazing dream last night.
sad, but amazing.
full of saturated colors.
the sad part, I woke up.
this is the end.
I really like thursdays.
and I am not too sure why.
I like that it's almost the weekend.
and I like the way it sounds.
I think it has a nice ring to it.
So, I have met all of my future classmates/roommates that will be attending SBI, and I think we are going to have an awesome semester. It will be different for me, seeing it is pretty much all girls... I am not used to that (I know that there is all girls in my family, that's not what I mean), I have many more guy friends than girl friends. It's just the way I am I suppose, I don't like drama that we girls can create. Anyways, I am sure we will all become close, seeing we will be the only Americans in Italia... or at least that region.
So the other day, I went over to Crafter-holic's blog, and a love was reborn. She featured a DYI project one of my favorite artists.
When I was in elementary school, fifth and sixth grade to be precise, I lived in Germany, so we went to the DODS schools on base. It was here that I meet one of the most influential people in my life. I give him the credit for making me interested in honing my artistic abilities and learning about art history. His name was Mr. Clyde Huyck. and he was the coolest art teacher EVER. There is no one who could compete. He treated us like adults, didn't put up with the boys' foolishness, and really loved to teach us. My favorite part of art class (other than the art itself) was fifteen minutes before class was to be let out, he would make all of us go to the Art Wall and sit cross-legged in front of it. He would then get his magnificent plaster of paris pointer in the shape of a hand, and in a booming voice say "Is anyone up for the challenge today!?"
Everyone's hand would shoot up; no one made a sound though, or else he or she would not be picked. I sat waiting, hoping I could beat my last score which still got me into the 75 club. I knew I could make the 100 club though, I just knew it. I sat looking at the wall scattered with small images, and I KNEW the pieces and the artists. My heart started beating as the pointer came to my face, "You're up Chels, let's see what you've got." Mr. Huyck took out his timer, set it for two minutes, then said in a cool voice, "Go." My heart raced as I went across the wall pointing at the small pictures, "Snap the Whip-Homer, Nighthawks-Hopper, Guernica-Picasso, School of Athens-Raphael Persistence of Time-Dali..." I went on, and on, I lost track, but knew Mr. Huyck was ticking marks for me. When I was down to ten seconds left, everyone would countdown. I would keep naming as many as I can, but I always saved my favorite for last, "3...2...1..." "STANDING WOMAN! by ALBERTO GIACOMETTI!!" I would yell with delight. Mr. Huyck tallied up my points, and looked at me with a kind and proud expression. He turned to everyone and said, "We have a new club, ladies and gents, the 150 club." Everyone cheered and I took my seat with my jaw dropped. Mr. Huyck chuckled, "Why do you like Giacometti so much? Good Job Chels, I knew you could do it." He passed the pointer to another classmate, eager for their turn to beat my score.
I never did answer his question.
And you know what's sad.
To this very day, I couldn't tell you why I liked Giacometti so much.
I just do.

"Standing Woman" 1959, Alberto Giacometti
this is the end.
I like that it's almost the weekend.
and I like the way it sounds.
I think it has a nice ring to it.
So, I have met all of my future classmates/roommates that will be attending SBI, and I think we are going to have an awesome semester. It will be different for me, seeing it is pretty much all girls... I am not used to that (I know that there is all girls in my family, that's not what I mean), I have many more guy friends than girl friends. It's just the way I am I suppose, I don't like drama that we girls can create. Anyways, I am sure we will all become close, seeing we will be the only Americans in Italia... or at least that region.
So the other day, I went over to Crafter-holic's blog, and a love was reborn. She featured a DYI project one of my favorite artists.
When I was in elementary school, fifth and sixth grade to be precise, I lived in Germany, so we went to the DODS schools on base. It was here that I meet one of the most influential people in my life. I give him the credit for making me interested in honing my artistic abilities and learning about art history. His name was Mr. Clyde Huyck. and he was the coolest art teacher EVER. There is no one who could compete. He treated us like adults, didn't put up with the boys' foolishness, and really loved to teach us. My favorite part of art class (other than the art itself) was fifteen minutes before class was to be let out, he would make all of us go to the Art Wall and sit cross-legged in front of it. He would then get his magnificent plaster of paris pointer in the shape of a hand, and in a booming voice say "Is anyone up for the challenge today!?"
Everyone's hand would shoot up; no one made a sound though, or else he or she would not be picked. I sat waiting, hoping I could beat my last score which still got me into the 75 club. I knew I could make the 100 club though, I just knew it. I sat looking at the wall scattered with small images, and I KNEW the pieces and the artists. My heart started beating as the pointer came to my face, "You're up Chels, let's see what you've got." Mr. Huyck took out his timer, set it for two minutes, then said in a cool voice, "Go." My heart raced as I went across the wall pointing at the small pictures, "Snap the Whip-Homer, Nighthawks-Hopper, Guernica-Picasso, School of Athens-Raphael Persistence of Time-Dali..." I went on, and on, I lost track, but knew Mr. Huyck was ticking marks for me. When I was down to ten seconds left, everyone would countdown. I would keep naming as many as I can, but I always saved my favorite for last, "3...2...1..." "STANDING WOMAN! by ALBERTO GIACOMETTI!!" I would yell with delight. Mr. Huyck tallied up my points, and looked at me with a kind and proud expression. He turned to everyone and said, "We have a new club, ladies and gents, the 150 club." Everyone cheered and I took my seat with my jaw dropped. Mr. Huyck chuckled, "Why do you like Giacometti so much? Good Job Chels, I knew you could do it." He passed the pointer to another classmate, eager for their turn to beat my score.
I never did answer his question.
And you know what's sad.
To this very day, I couldn't tell you why I liked Giacometti so much.
I just do.
"Standing Woman" 1959, Alberto Giacometti
this is the end.
letting you all know:
about my other blog that I will be starting when I arrive in Italy:
An American Bambina
this is the end.
An American Bambina
this is the end.
I'm feeling good.
So, if you know me, obviously something came up on Saturday... but a good thing came up. to the tune of three impromptu photo shoots! I took family portraits, Cameron and the Eighty Eights promos, and Curtis Ray promos. don't worry, pictures to come. I've been insanely busy: family was here this weekend, I was gone all day Saturday shooting, Sunday was "shopping day" (I got my luggage and jacket! and sheets too!), and yesterday I worked 10-6 then zoomed over to Methodist to hang out with Haley and Jasimina! I did manage to squeeze one crafty thing into the mix, I made a "countdown." hard to explain but I will upload the pic soon.
guess what else I did.
guess what else I did.
~ you ask: "what Chels? were you a responsible adult, who actually bought a ticket since you are leaving in 23 days?!"
Why yes, YES I DID!! and my camera/laptop backpack!
~ you say: "but Chels, you don't have a laptop!"
Guess what is coming in the mail... MY MACBOOK PRO!!!
ahh, it's all coming together. I love days like these. tonight is dinner and a movie night with my dear friend Stephanie. I have to write a 250 word essay (pahaha, 250 words...) for Liberty's application, quick as I can fill out a FAFSA form (yeah right) and they will let me know this week whether I got in or not.
So because I don't have any pictures ready to upload (even though I said I would), I thought I would share this picture of a cute baby hedgehog... I want one...
this is the end.
Why yes, YES I DID!! and my camera/laptop backpack!
~ you say: "but Chels, you don't have a laptop!"
Guess what is coming in the mail... MY MACBOOK PRO!!!
ahh, it's all coming together. I love days like these. tonight is dinner and a movie night with my dear friend Stephanie. I have to write a 250 word essay (pahaha, 250 words...) for Liberty's application, quick as I can fill out a FAFSA form (yeah right) and they will let me know this week whether I got in or not.
So because I don't have any pictures ready to upload (even though I said I would), I thought I would share this picture of a cute baby hedgehog... I want one...
this is the end.
I am so excited tomorrow is Saturday.
because I have absolutely nothing to do!
so you know what I will do?
I just looked at some of the blogs I am following, and I am so inspired! So many cool things to make!! Of course, they won't be of immediate use, seeing that there is limited room in a suitcase, but most of what I will make I can hang in my room until I go off to a school (hopefully Liberty) and then I can use them in my dorm.
Oh and I will take pictures of my thrift store finds too. The owl pitcher I found was too cute, and the embroidery pictures are adorable.
one of my co-workers came up with a sneaky idea to buy a ticket (it's legal, don't worry), and it saves me almost $400! I might buy a lens with the money I save.
this is the end.
because I have absolutely nothing to do!
so you know what I will do?
I just looked at some of the blogs I am following, and I am so inspired! So many cool things to make!! Of course, they won't be of immediate use, seeing that there is limited room in a suitcase, but most of what I will make I can hang in my room until I go off to a school (hopefully Liberty) and then I can use them in my dorm.
Oh and I will take pictures of my thrift store finds too. The owl pitcher I found was too cute, and the embroidery pictures are adorable.
one of my co-workers came up with a sneaky idea to buy a ticket (it's legal, don't worry), and it saves me almost $400! I might buy a lens with the money I save.
this is the end.
urban outfitters is too amazing.
oh the things I must buy...
I need:
-A Ticket (shocker)
-Duvet Cover
-Warm Winter Jacket (like Northface)
-Camera/Laptop Backpack
and I could go on.
but I won't. don't worry.
I need:
-A Ticket (shocker)
-Duvet Cover
-Warm Winter Jacket (like Northface)
-Camera/Laptop Backpack
and I could go on.
but I won't. don't worry.
I wish I had money I could spend, cause there is so much that I would love to buy... Urban Outfitter's is the devil!!
re trying to steal all my money:
I do have a new owl pitcher... I will have to post pictures of my thrift store finds from HHI.
when I find my battery charger (grrrr.)
this is the end.
I do have a new owl pitcher... I will have to post pictures of my thrift store finds from HHI.
when I find my battery charger (grrrr.)
this is the end.
time is running away.
Me and one of my best friends, Andrea!
I have more pictures of the rest of the gang later.
I have more pictures of the rest of the gang later.
The reunion was amazing.
The beach was rainy. And I lost my camera battery charger, so I have no pictures from the beach... sorry.
I have a lot to get done, I am trying to leave September 1 to get on Space-A flights. It's coming so fast...
this is the end.
The beach was rainy. And I lost my camera battery charger, so I have no pictures from the beach... sorry.
I have a lot to get done, I am trying to leave September 1 to get on Space-A flights. It's coming so fast...
this is the end.
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