PHEW! I have had an INSANE WEEK! Between my job blowing up and tons of responsibility falling to me, play auditions, tires going flat, transmissions out, zombie movies until the early morning, and camping, I somehow got sick... But I am much better now, just a nose thing.
Well I am at work, trying to learn how to use Adobe Dreamweaver. I have to make the website from scratch. Long, long, story, but in a nutshell, the other web designer quit, reset my computer to factory settings, and didn't tell me how to run the programs... So here I sit, at my desk, trying to find out how to use a new program (to me). Also I have been making labels, which is NOT fun!
I auditioned for West Side Story this past Tuesday, and I will be going back tonight for the dance auditions, wish me luck!
Well I should get back to work...
This is the end.
P.S. You should watch this new video some of my friends and I made:
Sounds like one hectic week! Here's hoping things get better for you.
I tagged you.