

Well, it's officially summer!! (as of May 13th, 2009)

My plans include:

Studying for the ACT. (why I didn't take that in high school, I don't know...)
NCHE Conference May 20-23
Family Vacation in Massanutten VA (plus a mini trip to visit Andrea! YES!)
Taking the ACT June 13th
Visiting Friends in Omaha ??? (dates TBD)
Sleeping (a lot of this will be going on)
Crafty Things (I plan on learning how to sew clothing, that should be interesting!)
Summit Reunion (dates TBD)
Family Vacation on Hilton Head Island (LOVE this place)
Other random events
Then, Summer comes to a close.

College for the fall is still up in the air, but it looks like I will be continuing at FTCC for a second year (maybe just the fall semester) and then transferring to Appalachian State University in the Spring '10 semester, or Fall '10. We shall see...

By the way, it's pretty cold out! I thought it was the END OF MAY, but it's like 60s!?!? I WANT HEAT NOW!
Psh, Global Warming...

I am pretty excited about this weekend, I will post pictures! It's always a lot of fun, and this year there is a dance class again, which is hilariously fun!

I'm looking for a mandolin, I want one soooo bad. I love their sound. So that is what I am saving money for (plus the other half of a macBook, my parents are paying half!)

this is the end.

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