
such a quitter.

so, the reason I quit project 359:

I felt conceited. I hate self portraits.
I like real life better.
foto by me.
so I'll post real life photos from here on out.

I'm loving some music. I'll share some of the music I find, and if you have heard of the bands, you should be ashamed for not telling me about them. thanks if you still read this even after my childish give up.

this is the end.


  1. Yay...you are back! Your portrait would've been 'real life!' It would've been you...and I know that Chelsey Rogers is a beautiful young woman! I love your photos Chelsey and cannot wait to here about all of the different types of music you listen to. Have you heard of 'The River Empires?' I am really into listening to them lately...and the mandolin and banjo playing on their tracks is brilliant! They are a really great new band, as of this year, and their styling is folk/singer/songwriter. Later...

  2. I always loved them!...but I'm sure I will love your real life photos just as much!
