
project 359:

I've been trying to figure out school issues. you see, for whatever reason, it is becoming extremely difficult for me to figure out transferring out of my community college. I don't know if it's God closing doors, or just a lesson for me to learn. I thought I was going to be able to transfer this fall, but now it looks like I will have to wait until the spring (really, five months isn't much of a difference, but it seems so long for little impatient me). I am really anxious to actually GO to a school, to kind of get out there on my own (in a country where I can speak the language, ha!) and start learning technical aspects of my artistic abilities.
maybe I am having difficulties because its just not time yet. maybe there is some things I must accomplish here at home before I go. I need to really pray some more about this whole issue. I find it very important because at my age and time in life, my priority is school. I don't do the whole dating thing, or really hanging out with friends thing (I should change that a bit). I work, and go to school. Today was just a rough day for me.

On a lighter note, I love this from Free People blogs:

this is the end.

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